If you are reading this then make sure you’ve read A Brief Overview of My Gaming History (Part 1) if you have read it, then thank you for continuing to read about my gaming history.
The Big 3D Leap.

I was 18 when I got my Nintendo Gamecube. This time not for Christmas, but for my Birthday. I had the Resident Evil remake along with Super Mario Sunshine. Now, Sunshine is an alright game, it’s not as bad as made out by people, but the stand out for me was Resident Evil. It’s my favourite Resident Evil game to date (I have yet to play VII and VIII). I remember when I set it up in the parent’s living room, they were in awe at how the visuals on the game were. It was pretty amusing, but they were right, Resident Evil Remake was such a stunning game compared to what came bore it in the previous generation. I ended up with a fair few games for the Gamecube. I traded in a load and a white Gamecube too. A regret that I still have to this day. I didn’t get the XBOX until about 2021, but I did get a Playstation 2. I bought several games for it, but it was mainly used as a Dragonball Z Budokai machine, as I really enjoyed those games. I still have my original GameCube, in fact, it is still set up and ready to play if I want to stream something from the console.
Mainstream Online Fun.

When moving on to the Seventh generation I got my Xbox 360. I had no interest in the Xbox line with the original XBOX, but a friend of mine who had the Xbox 360 decided to show me his console and games. I was quite interested when he was showing me Tom Clancy’s: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, though he showed me the online multiplayer, not the single player. When he was saying how we’ll play online together I decided to get one. I bought it and play G.R.A.W for months, with a little Hexic and Final Fantasy XI in between, I think the Xbox 360 was my favourite console of the generation, apart from the Red Ring of Death, that was annoying, I had it happen to me and it took 2 months to get it back from Microsoft, they were very apologetic about that and gave me a free game and 3 months of Xbox Live Gold. The game was Gears of War. After that I got a Playstation 3 free with a mobile phone contract, I bought some games for it, but it was played much less than the Xbox, though I did really enjoy Uncharted. I did pick up a Wii, in fact, I bought it launch night from Tesco (a supermarket in the UK) I queued from about 6 PM until midnight to get that bad bo and I didn’t play it right away, instead, I went to a friends flat who also bought one on launch and we played Wii Sports before I went home at around 3 am to get some sleep.
It Wasn’t Just TV.

Now on to The Playstation 4, the Xbox One and the Wii U. I actually got the Wii U on launch day, I pre-ordered it from Amazon, but I was not there on the day to collect it. I was collected but, I was at my friend’s house (the same one whose house I was at for the Wii) I got Zombi U, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a few other games, my Wii U collection is OK, I have about 40 games for it, maybe more. I really liked the Wii U, I know it gets a lot of stick, but it had good software and the gamepad is something I really liked and found really comfortable to hold. I actually got both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One for Christmas. My Missus bought the Playstation 4 and was a delightful present, fortunately, she did not make me wait until Christmas day to open it. Nope, when it arrived I set it up. The Xbox One was a similar story. My parents bought me it for Christmas. There was a bereavement in the family and they had some money due to that and bought me an Xbox One and my sister’s consoles too. I think my most played console this generation was the Playstation 4 up until I built a gaming PC, then that became my main platform. I have lots of games over all the platforms, but nowhere near enough time to play them all.
It’s been a long journey and there are more games to come on the new generation of consoles, and there are more generations to come, hopefully, I’ll be able to do a page three with the current generation and the 2 generations after that.