Final Verdict: Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay

Written Review

Back in 2019, before the pandemic, I played through a game that I very much did not like, it was Paw Patrol: On A Roll. Now over 2 years later, I tackle the follow-up game. Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay. Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save adventure Bay has some of the same annoyances as its predecessor. For example, Ryder is still annoying, but fortunately, the devs took pity on me and made it so Ryder doesn’t talk as much as he did in Paw Patrol: On A Roll. Thankfully.

There are some odd things that go on with him speaking though, Ryder will be telling you about what you need to do or explaining how one of the pup’s abilities works for certain sections and it will randomly just cut out halfway through the dialogue. It’s an odd glitch that seemed rather random on when it would happen. Another issue is, again, the pups don’t speak at all, I know I’m complaining about Ryder getting on my nerves, but honestly, why is a game about a show with talking dogs, not got any talking dogs? Simple catchphrases would be welcome, but alas they aren’t here.

The gameplay while nothing exceptional is a least more interesting than On A Roll. The little mini-games that pop up for you to do an objective, are really simple, but they are more diverse than in the previous entry. I understand the simplicity when this is a young children’s game, but at least there’s some variety with this.

Mighty Pups moves from a 2D Plain to a 3D one, and while there are no fail states, it still feels more interesting, looking at small splitting routes, or going slightly off the beaten path to find the badge or treats. The audio seems suitably fine, it’s actually pretty decent, which I wasn’t really expecting. The soundtrack is a sort of pleasant rock jamming throughout, again it’s something they improved from the previous game, no it’s going to be considered a classic soundtrack, but it’s perfectly enjoyable which you jump about collecting dog biscuits.

I honestly went into this expecting it to be like the previous game, and be totally awful, but, I came away enjoying it more than expected. I didn’t love the game, but it’s alright, it could do with a bit more challenge, but for a young child I CAN SEE THEM HAVING A much more fun and interesting time than On A Roll. For me, though it’s simply too easy and also very short, it took about 2 hours to finish, though there are mini-games to play and collectables to get to add some longevity.

As said there are issues with the game, but it’s fairly enjoyable, if too short and easy, but it’s a big step up from the last game, it’s something I would genuinely recommend to younger children, especially if they like the show… though they may be a little disappointed in lack of pup voices. Anyway, I think this deserves a better than average 6 Pugsley’s out of 10.