The Plan.
I am planning to bring the first episode of the ‘Pedz’ Game Shack’ Podcast out on the 6th of July. The format for the show will be me and a guest talking about a game we have played, We’ll spend approximately 20 minutes, 10 minutes each on a game, and we’ll then be moving on to the second segment which is talking about the biggest news that has been announced at the time of recording. Again, we’ll be chatting for approximately 20 minutes. The final segment will be 20 minutes as well. We’ll be discussing a specific game that I’ve chosen for us to play. Basically, the show will be 1 hour long, 20 minutes on each segment. The podcast will be fortnightly, so my guest and I have time to play through the chosen game as well as what else we are playing.

Who and What Game?
Now, I have my first guest, his name is Cumberdanes. He’s a friend who I regularly play games with in co-op on Twitch. He’s also a regular in my streams when I am not playing co-op with him. On top of that, I spend a lot of time in his streams. For the first episode, it makes sense to have a chat with someone who I already have a great relationship with, which should make for smooth sailing. Not only that we’ve picked the game, so, if you want to play along you can. Oh, I should tell you the game! It’s a game called Infernax.

It’s a Nintendo Entertainment System inspired game for the current generation and PC. The reason why the podcast is coming quite far away is that Cumberdanes and I both need to play Infernax, not only that but, timing is key, we’re both free on a Friday evening so we’ll be recording on the 1st of July and that will give me time to edit the podcast. I’ve not edited a podcast for many years, so I need to get back into the swing of things and 5 days is more than enough for me to get it ready to put out for you all to enjoy. I have more guests lined up to take part, too. You may want to keep a look out for me updating the blog about who will be taking part and what the game we’ll be playing is, be it retro or modern we’ll try it and give you our opinions and maybe they’ll line up with yours.