Well, this year did not go to plan. I hoped to keep up the momentum of playing and finishing a load of games, but with how the year went and personal issues meant games were pushed aside more than I’d have liked, personal health and family health always come first. Either way, I finished much fewer games this year, I don’t know how many to be exact, but I’d say about 20, which is a third of 2022’s completion rate. My streams also took a hit, and I did way less. I’m also very disappointed that I failed on what I planned at the end of 2022 and do more reviews through 2023. I did some reviews, but the aim was to get a few done each month, and I was nowhere near that target. I did have fun though playing what I did and streaming is always fun. Let’s have a look at a few games I played this year, eh?
It’s a PS4 launch title, but I got around to playing it in January 2023. It’s alright, I guess. It’s somewhat of an unremarkable average game. I remember this getting a lot of negative feedback back when it came out, but I honestly think that was typical overreacting by many. I’ve played much worse games, and much better mind you, but it still stands as an OK way to start the year.
Halo Infinite:
For those unaware I regularly play games co-operatively with a fellow streamer and friend Cumberdanes and we’d worked our way through the Gears of War Series, Crackdown Series, Saint’s Row Series and more. Well, Halo 5 and this, Halo Infinite were left to get done. Now I enjoy Halo, particularly the games by Bungie, but thought both 4 and 5 were lacking. I think Halo Infinite was a step in the right direction, I don’t enjoy it as much as pre-343 Studios titles, but I think they’ve made this a lot more fun to play through.
the grapple hook adds to the enjoyment of traversing the open world they made. It’s hopefully an indication as to the quality that will come in future.
Sonic Frontiers:
For me this is a game of two halves one half being an enjoyable open world you want to explore and then you have the zones which for me weren’t very good. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think there’s anything fundamentally wrong with them, but they just felt bland and with the limited range of stage styles (I can remember 3) which were based on previous games zones. I just felt this could have been much more interesting, shame really. Like I said a game of two halves, but it is worth a play.
Killer Frequency:
A game in which you play as a DJ, during the 1987. You’re a big famous DJ who somehow ends up in a small town with a small amount of listeners compared to what you’re used to. You pick various songs to play and sometimes get requests. That isn’t the only thing going on though, you are suddenly called by a woman to take on all 911 calls while she has to leave to get help, and she needs help because the Sheriff has been killed. From here you are taking calls from people who need your help, which you do by giving instructions over the phone.
It’s an entertaining game and as you progress you find out who the killer is and why they are killing. If you have yet to play it, get on it. You’ll have a good time with this one.
Final Thoughts.
There are a few games you should give a chance, with Killer Frequency being the best of the four there. It’s not my Game of the Year, which will be discussed during episode 32 of Pedz’ Game Shack. Hopefully, 2024 will see more games played, streamed and reviewed. Most likely starting with Paw Patrol World. One thing that’s new to 2023 is a new podcast I started a it’s called ‘Pugsley Crew Reviews‘. It’s about films, which myself and Kerr9000 talk about a film every 2 weeks. We sometimes have guests, which I would love to it be a more regular thing, and the guests who are taking part get to pick the film we watch, it’s been fun and it’s shorter for those who are interested, check it out. I may very well be starting a new podcast in 2024 too, but Who knows when that will begin? Let’s hope 2024 is less turbulent and I get more reviews out, as again, I really enjoy doing them. Take care all, and have a great 2024!!